Ryan L-17B Navion

Ryan Navion

Maa Yhdysvallat
Rooli Kevyt kiinteäsiipinen lentokone
Johdanto 1948
Rakennettu 2634

Nniiden Ryan Navion (originally North American) is a United States single-engine, unpressurized, retractable gear, four-seat aircraft originally designed and built by North American Aviation in the 1940s. It was later built by Ryan Aeronautical Company and the Tubular Steel Corporation (TUSCO). The Navion was envisioned as an aircraft that would perfectly match the expected postwar boom in civilian aviation, since it was designed along the general lines of, and by the same company which produced the North American P-51 Mustang, generally regarded as one of the best Allied fighter aircraft.

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Ryan L-17B Navion Walk Around
Valokuvaaja Vladimir Jakubov
Lokalisointi Maderan lentonäytös
Valokuvat 53
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Nniiden Ryan Navion on kevyt lentokone, jonka alun perin suunnitteli ja rakensi North American Aviation 1940-luvun lopulla. Siinä on yksimoottorinen, sisäänvedettävä vaihde ja neljä istuinta. Navion sai inspiraationsa Pohjois-Amerikan P-51 Mustangista, kuuluisasta hävittäjäkoneesta toisesta maailmansodasta. Navionin oli tarkoitus vastata siviili-ilmailun kysyntään sodan jälkeen, mutta se joutui kilpailemaan muiden valmistajien kanssa.
Navonia käyttivät myös Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimat ja armeija yhteyslentokoneena. Vuonna 1947 Ryan Aeronautical Company acquired the design and production rights of the Navion, and continued to produce it until 1951. The Navion was later modified and improved by other companies, such as the Tubular Steel Corporation (TUSCO), which introduced the Rangemaster G model with a larger cabin and more power. The Navion is still flown today by many enthusiasts and collectors who appreciate its history and performance.

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