JDS Yamagiri

JDS Yamagiri

Clase y tipodestructor
Lanzado10 de octubre de 1987
EstadoEn servicio activo

JS Yamagiri (DD-152) is an Asagiri-class destroyer in the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. (JMSDF) It is the first major combat vessel in the JMSDF to have a female captain. On February 29, 2016 Miho Otani became the first woman to command a destroyer in active duty the service. She had previously commanded a training destroyer. As of 2016 the vessel had around 10 female crew members with designated accommodation and toilets for them. Otani was captain from February 2016 to February 2017.

Fuente: JDS Yamagiri en Wikipedia
JDS Yamagiri (TV 3515) Walk Around
PhotographerVladimir Yakubov
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Más información:

JDS Yamagiri is a destroyer of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). It is the fourth ship of the Asagiri-class destroyers, and was commissioned in 1989. JDS Yamagiri has a displacement of 4,900 tons, a length of 137 meters, a beam of 14.6 meters, and a draft of 4.5 meters. It is powered by four gas turbines that generate a total of 60,000 horsepower, giving it a maximum speed of 30 knots. JDS Yamagiri is armed with a 76 mm gun, two 20 mm Phalanx close-in weapon systems, eight Harpoon anti-ship missiles, two Mark 15 vertical launch systems for Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missiles, two Mark 32 triple torpedo tubes for Mark 46 torpedoes, and one SH-60J helicopter.
JDS Yamagiri tiene un complemento de 220 personas, y tiene su base en la Base Naval de Yokosuka. JDS Yamagiri participa en varios ejercicios y misiones con otros buques JMSDF y armadas aliadas, como el ejercicio Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) y la operación antipiratería en el Golfo de Adén.

Vistas : 1356


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