Morane-Saulnier MS.315

Morane-Saulnier MS.315

TypPrimární školitel
První let1932

Morane-Saulnier MS.315 byl primární výcvikový jednoplošník navržený a postavený ve Francii Morane-Saulnierem.

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AZ model - AZ7528
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Morane-Saulnier MS.406 Aces (Aircraft of the Aces, 121) - Amazon

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The Morane-Saulnier MS.315 was a French aircraft designed for primary training purposes. It was developed by Morane-Saulnier, a well-known aviation company that produced many military and civil aircraft models. The MS.315 first flew in 1932 and was a parasol-wing monoplane with a radial engine and a tailskid landing gear. It was used by the French Air Force and Navy as well as the Peruvian Air Force until the 1960s. Some of the MS.315s were later modified with more powerful engines and became known as the MS.317. The MS.315 was a reliable and easy-to-fly trainer that trained many pilots in the interwar and postwar periods.

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