Груман G-44 Уиджън

Grumman G-44 Widgeon

РоляАмфибиен транспорт
Първи полет1940

1. Груман G-44 Уиджън е малък, петместен, двумоторен самолет-амфибия. Той е обозначен като J4F от ВМС и бреговата охрана на САЩ и OA-14 от военновъздушните сили на армията на САЩ и военновъздушните сили на армията на САЩ.

Източник: Груман G-44 Уиджън в Уикипедия

Grumman G-44 Уиджън разходка около
ФотографВладимир Якубов
ЛокализацияМашини за сънища на Тихоокеанското крайбрежие
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Grumman G-44 Widgeon 'N1340V' Разходка наоколо
ФотографМарк Дейвис
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Повече информация:

1. Груман G-44 Уиджън is a small amphibious aircraft that was designed and produced by Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation in the 1940s. It was originally intended as a civilian aircraft for personal and business use, but it also served in various military roles during World War II and the post-war period. The Widgeon has a twin-engine configuration with a high wing and a retractable tricycle landing gear. It can seat up to five passengers and has a cruising speed of 150 mph. The Widgeon is notable for its versatility and reliability, as well as its ability to operate from both land and water.
The Widgeon was derived from the larger Grumman G-21 Goose, which was also an самолет-амфибия. The Widgeon was first flown in 1940 and entered production in 1941. Over 270 Widgeons were built by Grumman until 1950, and some were later modified by other companies with different engines and features. The Widgeon was used by various civilian operators, such as airlines, charter companies, private owners, and explorers. It was also used by several military forces, such as the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, the Royal Navy, the French Navy, and the Brazilian Air Force. The Widgeon saw action in various theaters of war, such as the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and the Arctic. It performed missions such as reconnaissance, patrol, rescue, transport, and training. The Widgeon was retired from military service in the 1970s, but some are still flying today as historic or recreational aircraft.

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