

ТипТежък резервоар
ПериодСлед Втората световна война
Тегло50 tonnes

1. ARL 44 was a French heavy tank of which the development started just before the end of the Second World War. Only sixty of these tanks were ever completed, from 1949 onwards. The type was already phased out in 1953.

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ЛокализацияМузее деЗ Щори, Саумюр
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Повече информация:

1. ARL 44 was a French heavy tank that was designed and produced after the Second World War. It was based on an obsolete B1 Bis chassis and fitted with a modern 90 mm or 105 mm gun. The tank was intended to compete with the German Panther and other foreign tanks of similar weight. However, the ARL 44 suffered from many problems, such as poor reliability, weak turret armor, and outdated suspension. Only 60 units were built between 1947 and 1950, and they were soon replaced by more advanced tanks such as the AMX M4 mle. 45. The ARL 44 was considered a failure and a transitional tank that marked the revival of the French tank industry after the war.

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