Мессершмітт Me262A-1a

Мессершмітт Ме 262

Перший політ: 18 квітня 1941
Побудовані зйомки1430

Фотогалерея Мессершмітт Ме 262А, The Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe / Sturmvogel (English: “Swallow”/ “Storm Bird”) of Nazi Germany was the world’s first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft. Design work started before World War II began, but engine problems and top-level interference kept the aircraft from operational status with the Luftwaffe until mid-1944. The Me 262 was faster, and more heavily-armed than any Allied fighter, including the British jet-powered Gloster Meteor. One of the most advanced aviation designs in operational use during World War II, the Me 262 was used in a variety of roles, including light bomber, reconnaissance, and even experimental night fighter versions.

Джерело: Мессершмітт Ме 262 у Вікіпедії

Я 262А Прогулянка навколо
ФотографСергій Архаков
ЛокалізацієюКоролівський музей ВПС в Хендоні
Зачекайте, шукаючи Мессершмітт Мені 262 фотографії для вас...
Я 262 Прогулянка
ФотографДін Бейнбрідж
Мессершмітт Я 262B-1a / U1 Прогулянка навколо
ФотографМакс Оттен

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Messerschmitt Me262 Jet Fighter Walk Around
ФотографДон Ален

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Messerschmitt 262 Schwalbe Walk Around
ФотографГовард Мейсон

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Більше інформації:

У 201 Мессершмітт Ме 262 was the world’s first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft. It was developed by Germany during World War II and saw service from 1944 to 1945. The Me 262 had a revolutionary design that gave it a significant advantage over the Allied fighters of the time. It was capable of reaching speeds of up to 900 km/h (560 mph), making it the fastest aircraft in the world at the time. The Me 262 was armed with four 30 mm cannons and could also carry rockets or bombs for ground attack missions.
У 201 Me 262 was a formidable weapon, but it also faced many challenges and limitations. It was expensive and difficult to produce, requiring rare materials and skilled workers. It was also vulnerable to mechanical failures and Allied attacks during takeoff and landing. The Me 262 pilots had to deal with a steep learning curve and a shortage of fuel and spare parts. Despite these drawbacks, the Me 262 proved to be a formidable adversary for the Allied air forces and a milestone in aviation history.

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