122-мм гармата А-19

122-мм гармата А-19

КраїніРадянський Союз
ТипРадянська польова гармата

Альбом 15 фото обходу «122-мм гармати А-19»

Фотогалерея 122-мм гармата А-19, 122 mm corps gun M1931 (A-19) (Russian: 122-мм корпусная пушка обр. 1931 г. (А-19)) was a Soviet field gun, developed in the late 1920s and early 1930s. In 1939 the gun was replaced in production by an improved variant, M1931/37. The piece saw action in World War II with the Red Army. Captured guns were employed by Wehrmacht and the Finnish Army.

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Більше інформації:

У 201 122-мм гармата А-19 was a Soviet field gun that was developed in the late 1930s by combining the barrel of the earlier 122mm Gun M1931 and the carriage of the 152mm Howitzer-Gun M1937. The gun had a split trail carriage that allowed for a wide traverse angle and a hydro-pneumatic recoil system that reduced the shock of firing. The gun had a maximum range of 20.4 km and could fire 3-4 rounds per minute. The gun was used in World War II by the Red Army as a corps artillery piece and also mounted on some tanks and self-propelled guns. The gun was produced from 1939 to 1946 and remained in service for many years after the war.

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