Ford GPW

Ford GPW

Roll1/4 ton 4×4 nyttolastbil
Produceras1941 – 1945

Willys MB och Ford GPW, båda formellt kallade U.S. Army Truck, 1/4 ton, 4×4, Command Reconnaissance, allmänt känd som Jeep eller jeep, och ibland kallad G503 är lätta, terrängkompatibla, militära nyttofordon som tillverkades under andra världskriget (från 1941 till 1945) för att hjälpa till att mobilisera de allierade styrkorna.

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Ford GPW, Lastbil 1/4 ton, 4×4 Gå runt
FotografVladimir Yakubov
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Läs mer:

Den Ford GPW was a military vehicle produced by Ford Motor Company during World War II. It was based on the Willys MB, which was designed by the American Bantam Car Company and selected by the U.S. Army as the standard light utility vehicle. The Ford GPW had a steel body, a fold-down windshield, four-wheel drive, and a 60-horsepower engine. It was used for various purposes, such as reconnaissance, transport, towing, and ambulance service.
The Ford GPW was also known as the “jeep”, a term that may have originated from the initials GP (for General Purpose) or from the slang word for a new recruit. The Ford GPW was widely distributed to the Allied forces and became a symbol of the American war effort. It was also popular among civilians after the war, as many surplus vehicles were sold to the public. The Ford GPW is considered one of the most iconic and influential vehicles in history.

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