160mm minomet M-160 | |
Državi | Sovjetski |
Obdobje | 2. svetovna vojna |
Vrsta | Malta |
Sovjetski 160 mm minomet M1943 je bil gladkoborski pištola za nalaganje težkega malta, ki je izstrelila 160 mm bombo. M1943 (imenovan tudi MT-13) je bil eden najtežjih minometov, ki so ga uporabljale sovjetske enote v drugi svetovni vojni. Med vojno je bilo okoli 535 teh orožja na polju sovjetskih sil. V sovjetski službi ga je po 2. svetovni vojni zamenjal minomet M-160 istega kalibra.
160 mm minomet M-160 Sprehod Okoli | |
Fotograf | Bamsa |
Lokalizacijo | Neznano |
Fotografije | 23 |

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V 160mm minomet M-160 is a powerful weapon that can fire heavy shells at long distances. It was developed by the Soviet Union in the 1950s as an improvement over the previous 160mm mortar M1943, which was used in World War II and other conflicts. The M-160 has a smoothbore breech loading barrel that can be hinged forward to load the shells, which weigh about 41.5 kilograms each.
V malta has a wheeled carriage that allows it to be towed by a truck or other vehicle. The mortar has a crew of seven and can fire up to three rounds per minute. The maximum range of the M-160 is about 8 kilometers, and it can hit targets with high accuracy and destructive power. The M-160 is still in service with some countries, such as Russia, Syria, and Myanmar, and has been used in various wars and battles, such as the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Vietnam War, and the Syrian Civil War.
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