GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetched set - Eduard 36208


Ref 36208
TypeMilitary Model

GMC Bofors 40mm Photoetched set

Model značky Eduard súprava: GMC Bofors 40mm Photoetched set – Eduard 36208.

Recommended for kit: HOBBY BOSS The U.S. military decided to ask various companies to create a troops transport vehicle quickly available and convenient. In 1941, the GMC firm won and the production began. . The qualities of this vehicle were numerous: the use of a tarp to cover the cabin provided a real economy, compared to the use of sheet metal. Easily deployable, the GMC CCKW 353 could serve both as a troops transport vehicle, so as a medical evacuation vehicle, food and ammunition resupply vehicle. Sold around the world after the Second World War, the vehicle remained in service in many armies,some of the vehicles equip with the 40mm BOFORS,and working in france.

GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetched set - Eduard 36208
GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetchovaná sada – Eduard 36208
GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetched set - Eduard 36208
GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetchovaná sada – Eduard 36208
GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetched set - Eduard 36208
GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetchovaná sada – Eduard 36208
GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetched set - Eduard 36208
GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetchovaná sada – Eduard 36208
GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetched set - Eduard 36208
GMC Bofors 40mm fotoetchovaná sada – Eduard 36208
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