Velie Monocoupe Model 70

Velie Monocoupe

KrajuStany Zjednoczone Ameryki
RoliSamoloty sportowe
Pierwszy lot1928

Tthe Velie Monocoupe was an American general aviation aircraft manufactured from 1927-1929 by the Mono-Aircraft Corp, a division of Velie Motors Corporation, (founded by Willard L. Velie, maternal grandson of John Deere).

Źródła: Velie Monocoupe na Wikipedii

Velie Monocoupe Model 70 Walk Around
FotografówWładimir Yakubov
LokalizacjaCalifornia Science Center, Los Angeles
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Więcej informacji:

Tthe Velie Monocoupe was a single-seat monoplane designed and built by the Velie Motors Corporation in the late 1920s. It was one of the first light aircraft to use a radial engine, which gave it more power and reliability than its contemporaries. The Monocoupe had a wooden fuselage covered with fabric and a metal wing with ailerons. It had a fixed tailskid landing gear and a single open cockpit.
The Monocoupe was popular among barnstormers and sport pilots for its speed, maneuverability and low cost. It could reach a top speed of 120 mph and had a range of 400 miles. The Monocoupe was also used for air racing, mail delivery and aerial photography. The Velie Monocoupe was produced from 1928 to 1931, with about 350 units built. It was succeeded by the Monocoupe 90, which had a larger engine and a two-seat cabin.

Liczba wyświetleń : 1034

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