Robinson R44

Robinson R44

RoleLight utility and trainer helicopter
First flight31 March 1990

The Robinson R44 is a four-seat light helicopter produced by Robinson Helicopter Company since 1992. Based on the company’s two-seat Robinson R22, the R44 features hydraulically assisted flight controls. It was first flown on 31 March 1990 and received FAA certification in December 1992, with the first delivery in February 1993.

Source: Robinson R44 on Wikipedia

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More info: The Robinson R44 is a four-seat light helicopter produced by Robinson Helicopter Company since 1992. Based on the company’s two-seat Robinson R22, the R44 features hydraulically assisted flight controls. It was first flown on 31 March 1990 and received FAA certification in December 1992, with the first delivery in February 1993. The R44 has been the world’s best-selling general aviation (GA) helicopter every year since 1999. It is one of the most widely used helicopters for flight training, due to its relatively low acquisition and operating costs. It is also popular for personal use, business travel, and aerial photography. The R44 can carry a pilot and three passengers, with a maximum gross weight of 1,134 kg (2,500 lb). It has a two-bladed main rotor and a two-bladed tail rotor, both driven by a Lycoming IO-540 six-cylinder engine. The R44 is available in several variants, including the Raven I and II (with different engine power ratings), the Clipper I and II (with fixed or pop-out floats), the Police Helicopter (with law enforcement equipment), and the Newscopter (with electronic news gathering equipment). The latest model is the Raven II IFR Trainer, which has an instrument flight rules (IFR) avionics package and autopilot. The R44 also serves as the basis for the larger Robinson R66 turbine helicopter.

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