A39カメ - メンモデル


参考A39 トーマイズ


In late WWII, UK developed a huge monster as heavy as 79 tons—the British A39 Tortoise Heavy Assault Tank to strike German solid fortifications. It was designed with a fixed fighting compartment and extremely thick armor. The heavy hull was supported by a torsion bar suspension system. Its incredibly powerful 94mm Gun could fire at any ground target. The Tank had an additional fully rotatable turret to strengthen firepower, while a 7.92mm MG in the front was used to shoot infantrymen. As the tank was still in its trail stage when the project was terminated following the end of war, there were only 6 vehicles produced. The 1:35 scale plastic model of the British A39 Tortoise Heavy Assault Tank is 293mm in total length and 111mm in width. Its huge general shape is accurately reproduced, and the large area of casting texture and weld seam details of the fighting compartment greatly increase sense of reality. The 94mm long barrel gun can turn like in the real tank and the solid gun mantlet is accurately reproduced. The travel lock can lock the gun like a real one. The MG in the front ball mount can rotate freely. All hatches can be assembled open or closed. Complicated wheels and staggered torsion bar suspension system are perfectly modeled.

ソース: メンモデル

A39カメ - メンモデル
A39 カメ – メンモデル
A39カメ - メンモデル
A39 カメ – メンモデル


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第二次世界大戦:電撃戦から原子爆弾までの決定的なビジュアルヒストリー(DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon (アマゾン) 地図による第二次世界大戦の地図(地図によるDKの歴史地図) - Amazon (アマゾン)


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