Wydawnictwo Militaria | |
Serie | Wydawnictwo Militaria |
Ref | 101 |
Téma | Rács – Sdkfz.138/1 |
Míg a kialakítás a Pz.Kpfw. 38(t) hajótestét használta, beleértve az eredeti motorhuzatot, az első páncéllemezt a vezetővel, valamint a rádiókezelő napellenzőivel, és a géppuska golyótartóját eltávolították. Így Sd.Kfz. 138/1 was the first modified vehicle without the original heavy machine gun ZB vd7 (MG-37(t»), which was replaced by a portable standard German machine gun. In place of the original fro nt plate. the vehicle was fitled with a new 25 mm thick plate angled at 17°. At the same time. this 150 cm high plate also acted as the gun’s shield. In the lower right corner there was a cast visor for the driver, in the middle a deep opening for the gun’s barrel, and in the upper left hand corner another small opening for the periscopic sight of the gun. The radio operator was moved into the open fighting compartment, where he functioned as an auxiliary loader when necessary.
Forrás: Marder III & Grille – MBI kiadások
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