Neubau-Fahrzeung - DRAGON 6690

Dragon Models


A mock-up of the home DRAGON Models "Neubau-Fahrzeung" model.

The series of German prototypes Neubaufahrzeug was a first attempt to create a heavy tank for the Wehrmacht, after Adolf Hitler came to power. Multi-turrets, heavy and slow, these tanks did not fit with the tactics of the Blitzkrieg and were not put into production. They were mainly used for propaganda purposes, although three took part in the Norwegian campaign in 1940.

Source: Neubaufahrzeug on Wikipedia

Neubau-Fahrzeung - DRAGON 6690
Neubau-Fahrzeung - DRAGON 6690
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World War II: The Definitive Visual History from Blitzkrieg to the Atom Bomb (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon World War II Map by Map (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

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