FIAT 508

Fiat 508e

TypKompaktní vůz

Fiat 508 Balilla was a compact car designed and produced by Fiat from 1932 to 1937. It was, effectively, the replacement of the Fiat 509, although production of the earlier model had ceased back in 1929. It had a three-speed transmission (increased to four in 1934), seated four, and had a top speed of about 50 mph (80 km/h). It sold for 10,800 lire (or 8,300 2005 euro). About 113,000 were produced.

Zdroj: Wikipedie

FIAT 508 Walk Around
FotografGian Luca Cocchi
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More infos:

The Fiat 508 was a popular Italian automobile produced by Fiat from 1932 to 1937. It was a versatile vehicle, available in various body styles including sedans, convertibles, and sports cars.

Klíčové vlastnosti

  • Engine:** A 1.1-liter four-cylinder engine provided adequate power for its time.
  • Body Styles:** Available in various body styles, including sedans, convertibles, and sports cars.
  • Durability and Reliability:** Known for its durability and reliability.
  • Affordable:** A relatively affordable car for its time.


The Fiat 508 was a significant car for Fiat, contributing to the company’s growth and reputation. Its success led to the development of the Fiat 508 Balilla, a more affordable version, which further solidified Fiat’s position in the Italian market.

The Fiat 508 is remembered as a stylish and reliable car of its era, and it continues to be admired by classic car enthusiasts.

Zobrazení : 9

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