Лек резервоар Mk VI

Light Tank Mk VI

РоляЛек резервоар
В експлоатация1936–1942

1. Танк, Light, Mk VI was a British light tank, produced by Vickers-Armstrongs in the late 1930s, which saw service during the Second World War. The Tank, Light, Mk VI was the sixth in the line of light tanks built by Vickers-Armstrongs for the British Army during the interwar period. The company had achieved a degree of standardization with their previous five models, and the Mark VI was identical in all but a few respects.

Източник: Light Tank Mk VI on Wikipedia

Mk.VIB Light Tank Walk Around
PhotographersVladimir Yakubov, Matthew Flegal
LocalisationJacques Littlefield Collection
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ACE - 72292
British Light tank Mark.VI C
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Повече информация:

1. Лек резервоар Mk VI was a British light tank developed by Vickers-Armstrongs in the 1930s. It was used by the British Army and other Commonwealth forces during World War II, mainly for reconnaissance and patrol missions. The Light Tank Mk VI had a three-man crew, a top speed of 56 km/h, and was armed with two machine guns: a 7.7 mm Vickers and a 12.7 mm Vickers. The tank had a simple riveted hull with a thin armour ranging from 4 to 14 mm. The tank was also equipped with a wireless set in the enlarged turret.
The Light Tank Mk VI was the result of a series of improvements over the previous models of Vickers light tanks, which were based on the Carden-Loyd tankettes. The Mk VI had a more powerful engine, a better suspension system, and a larger fuel capacity than its predecessors. The tank was produced from 1936 to 1940, with a total of 1,682 units built. The tank had three variants: Mk VIA, Mk VIB, and Mk VIC, which differed mainly in the type and caliber of the machine guns.
The Light Tank Mk VI saw service in various theatres of war, such as France, North Africa, Greece, India, and Palestine. However, it was soon outmatched by the heavier and better armed German tanks, and suffered heavy losses. The tank was gradually replaced by more modern designs, such as the Valentine and the Crusader. Some of the surviving tanks were modified for other roles, such as command vehicles or artillery tractors. The Light Tank Mk VI was also used by other countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Egypt, and even Israel during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.

Гледания : 1994

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