Весалдейлд Т-19А Корнел

Весалдейлд Т-19А Корнел

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Фото галерия на Весалдейлд Т-19А Корнел, The Fairchild PT-19 (company designation Fairchild M62) is an American Fairchild Aircraft monoplane primary trainer aircraft that served with the United States Army Air Forces, RAF and RCAF during World War II. It was a contemporary of the Kaydet biplane trainer and was used by the USAAF during Primary Flying Training as the introductory pre-solo phase trainer for introducing new pilots to flying before passing them on to the more agile Kaydet. As with other USAAF trainers of the period, the PT-19 had multiple designations based on the powerplant installed.

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Повече информация:

The Fairchild PT-19A Cornell was a primary trainer aircraft used by the United States Army Air Forces, the Royal Air Force and other air forces during World War II. It was designed by Fairchild Aircraft in 1938 as a low-wing monoplane with an open cockpit and a radial engine.
The PT-19A was an improved version with a closed cockpit and a more powerful inline engine. The PT-19A could accommodate two crew members, an instructor and a student, and had a maximum speed of 210 km/h (130 mph) and a range of 760 km (470 mi). The PT-19A was praised for its stability, maneuverability and ease of maintenance. It was also known as the “Cradle of Heroes” because it trained thousands of pilots who later flew combat missions in various theaters of war.

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