Северна Америка Рокуел OV-10 Бронко

Северна Америка Рокуел OV-10 Бронко

ТипЛеки самолети за атака и наблюдение
Брой построени360

1. Северна Америка Рокуел OV-10 Бронко is an American turboprop light attack and observation aircraft. It was developed in the 1960s as a special aircraft for counter-insurgency (COIN) combat, and one of its primary missions was as a forward air control (FAC) aircraft. It can carry up to three tons of external munitions, internal loads such as paratroopers or stretchers, and can loiter for three or more hours.

Източник: Северна Америка Рокуел OV-10 Бронко на Уики

Северна Америка Рокуел OV-10 Бронко
ФотографРанди Рей
ЛокализацияМузей на въздуха и космическото пространство Pima
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Информация за
РоляЛеки самолети за атака и наблюдение
ПроизводителяСеверна Америка Рокуел
Първи полет16 July 1965
ВъвежданетоOctober 1969
Брой построени360
Северна Америка OV-10A Бронко разходка около
ФотографВладимир Якубов
ЛокализацияCapital City Air Show, Sacramento

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North American OV-10 Bronco B Walk Around
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Повече информация:

1. Северна Америка Рокуел OV-10 Бронко is a twin-turboprop light attack and observation aircraft that was developed in the 1960s for counter-insurgency (COIN) missions. The OV-10 was designed to operate from short and unimproved runways, and to carry a variety of weapons and sensors for close air support, forward air control, and reconnaissance roles.
1. ОВ-10 first flew in 1965 and entered service with the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps in 1968. It also saw action with several foreign operators, including Colombia, Indonesia, Morocco, the Philippines, Thailand, and Venezuela. The OV-10 was retired from U.S. military service in 1995, but some aircraft remained in use with civilian agencies such as NASA and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. The OV-10 was also reactivated by the U.S. Air Force in 2015 for a combat evaluation program in Iraq and Syria against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

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