Boll-Bartoe JW-1 Jetwing

Ball-Bartoe Jetwing

Första flygningen11 juli 1977

Den Boll-Bartoe JW-1 Jetwing var ett amerikanskt forskningsflygplan som flögs på 1970-talet för att undersöka blåstvingeteknik.

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LokaliseringVingar över Klippiga bergens luft- och rymdmuseum
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Den Boll-Bartoe Jetwing was an experimental aircraft designed by Otto C. Koppen and Lynn Bollinger in the 1970s. It was intended to demonstrate the concept of blown flaps, which use jet exhaust to increase the lift and control of a wing. The Jetwing had a small jet engine mounted on top of a modified Schweizer SGS 2-32 glider. The engine could be tilted up or down to direct the thrust over the wing or under the fuselage.
Den Jetwing had no conventional tail or rudder, relying on wingtip spoilers and differential thrust for yaw control. The Jetwing made its first flight in 1977 and flew until 1983, when it was donated to the Smithsonian Institution. The Jetwing achieved several records for jet-powered sailplanes, including a maximum speed of 201 mph and a maximum altitude of 28,600 feet. The Jetwing also demonstrated the feasibility of blown flaps for low-speed flight and STOL performance.

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