Bren Gun Carrier - Gå runt

Bren Gun Bärare

TypInfanteri larv

Fotogalleri på en Bren Gun Carrier, Carden-Loyd Universal Carrier, ofta kallad Bren-Carrier är en infanteritankett designad 1935 i Storbritannien och byggd av Vickers-Armstrong. Hon efterträdde Carden-Loyd Mk.IV i brittiska och samväldesenheter. USA producerade den under licens med beteckningen T-16. Produktionen upphörde 1945. Den användes fram till 1960-talet.

Källkod: Bren Gun Carrier på Wikipedia

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M3 Lee/Grant Medium Tank 1941-45 - NY VANGUARD 113

Osprey Förlag

författareSteven J Zaloga
illustratörHugh Johnson

En bok från Osprey Förlag the book «M3 Lee/Grant Medium Tank 1941–45 – NEW VANGUARD 113» .

The highly successful ‘stop-gap’ M3 medium tank was designed in 1941, and as adequate turret casting facilities were not yet ready, the M3 used an unusual armament configuration patterned after a French tank. British lend-lease demands led to the design of a second turret type with the US version called the Lee and the British version the Grant. It could penetrate Panzer armor, and its explosive firepower was excellent for dealing with German anti-tank guns. This book covers the design, development, service and variants of a vehicle that was the backbone of many World War II forces.

Källkod: Osprey Förlag

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Universal Carrier 1936–48 - NEW VANGUARD 110

Osprey Förlag

SerieNy förtrupp
författareDavid Fletcher
illustratörTony Bryan

En bok signerad av Osprey Förlag the «Universal Carrier 1936–48 – NEW VANGUARD 110» .

Den Universell bärare was a fast, lightly armed vehicle developed by the British Army to carry infantry across ground defended by small-arms fire, specifically the Bren light machine gun, hence the name ‘Bren Gun Carrier’. This name would stick with the Universal Carrier and all of its future variants. This book details the Carrier, which was employed in a number of roles including carrying ammunition and towing anti-aircraft guns and trailers. All Allies used the Universal Carrier extensively during practically every World War II campaign. By the war’s end, the Universal Carrier had proved itself to be an invaluable and successful cross-country vehicle that was both agile and fast for its time.

Källkod: fiskgjuse

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Views : 402

Kejserliga japanska flottans hangarfartyg 1921–1945 - NY VANGUARD 109

Osprey Förlag

SerieNy förtrupp
författareMarkera Stille
illustratörTony Bryan

Signerad dokumentation Osprey Förlag le livre «Imperial Japanese Navy Aircraft Carriers 1921–45 – NEW VANGUARD 109» .

The Imperial Japanese Navy was a pioneer in naval aviation, having commissioned the world’s first built-from-the-keel-up carrier, the Hosho. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, it experimented with its carriers, perfecting their design and construction. As a result, by the time Japan entered World War II and attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor in 1941, it possessed a fantastically effective naval aviation force. This book covers the design, development and operation of IJN aircraft carriers built prior to and during World War II. Pearl Harbor, Midway and the first carrier vs carrier battle, the battle of the Coral Sea, are all discussed.

Källkod: fiskgjuse

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BM-13 Katioucha


Album de 65 photos du «BM-13 Katioucha»

den Katyusha (en russe Катюша), diminutif russe de Catherine, est le surnom donné par les Soviétiques à un lance-roquettes en rafales de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ce nom vient de la chanson traditionnelle Katioucha. Surnommé par les Allemands « orgue de Staline » (Stalinorgel) à cause de ses caractéristiques, elle consistait en un camion tirant des roquettes en rafales. Plusieurs batteries de Katiouchas étaient généralement alignées, dans le but de créer un tir de barrage et de destruction très important. Leur formidable puissance de feu était néanmoins altérée par une forte imprécision du tir. Il existe deux versions de ce lance-roquettes en rafale, le BM-8 de 82 mm et le BM-13 de 132 mm (BM pour Boïevaïa Machina, « véhicule de combat »). Chaque camion comportait entre 14 et 48 lanceurs. Les roquettes du système BM-13, appelé RS-132 (RS pour Raketnyi snaryad, « roquette auto-propulsée ») étaient d’une hauteur de 1,8 m, de 132 mm de diamètre et d’un poids de 42 kg. Les roquettes étaient lancées par un propulseur solide à base de nitrocellulose disposé dans le moteur en acier de la roquette. La roquette était stabilisée par des ailerons cruciformes en tôle d’acier. L’ogive explosive, pouvant être à fragmentation, était hautement explosive et d’un poids d’environ 22 kg. La distance de tir des Katioucha était d’environ 8 km.

Källkod: Katioucha sur Wikipedia

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Brittisk anti-tank artilleri 1939-45 - NY VANGUARD 98

Osprey Förlag

SerieNy förtrupp
författareSteven J Zaloga
illustratörBrian Delf

Signerad dokumentation Osprey Förlag le livre «British Anti-tank Artillery 1939–45 – NEW VANGUARD 98» .

The rapid development of the tank as an offensive weapon following its introduction in World War I gave artillery theorists cause for concern during the 1920s and 1930s. By the beginning of World War II anti-tank guns had been developed, initially at around 37mm and 2 pounds in weight of shot. By the end of the war, monster anti-tank weapons were being developed, able to penetrate an armour thickness of up to 200mm at a range of 1,000 yards. This book explores the British efforts to keep up in a war of development, which saw heavier and more powerful guns eventually replaced by experimental ideas in an attempt to stop the German onslaught.

Källkod: fiskgjuse

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Views : 547

M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer 1943–97 - NY VANGUARD 97

Osprey Förlag

SerieNy förtrupp
författareSteven J Zaloga
illustratörJim Laurier

Signerad dokumentation Osprey Förlag le livre «M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer 1943–97 – NEW VANGUARD 97» .

Den M18 76mm Gun Motor Carriage was developed for the US Army’s Tank Destroyer Command. It was the only tank destroyer deployed during World War II actually based on their requirements for speed and firepower. This book examines the development of this vehicle, the controversies over the need for high-speed tank destroyers, and its actual performance during World War II. Special emphasis is placed on examining its performance in its intended mission. Coverage also includes derivative vehicles of the M18 such as the M39 armored utility vehicle.

Källkod: fiskgjuse

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Visningar : 542

Tyska förstörare 1939-45 - NYA VÄGGARD 91

Osprey Förlag

SerieNy förtrupp

Tyska jagare 1939–45

PeriodAndra världskriget

En dokumentation från Osprey Förlag boken «Tyska jagare 1939–45 – NYA FÖRTRUPPEN 91» .

Den Tysk jagare Andra världskrigets flotta bestod av nio klasser: Diether von Roeder-klassen, Leberecht Maas-klassen och krigstidsklasserna Z23, Z35, Z37, Z40, Z43, Z46 och Z52. Dessa fartyg, även om de var färre i antal än den brittiska förstörarflottan, tenderade att vara mycket större och kraftfullare än sina allierade motsvarigheter. De tjänade sitt land väl i operationer i kanalen, Nordsjön, Fjärran norr och i räddningen av civila från Östpreussen under krigets sista dagar. Denna titel beskriver deras design, utveckling och operativa användning från Narviks fjordar till krigets sista dagar.

Källkod: Tyska jagare sur Osprey Publishing

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British Battlecruisers 1939-45 - NEW VANGUARD 88

Osprey Förlag

SerienNy förtrupp
FörfattareAngus Konstam
Illustrateur (olika)Tony Bryan

En bok signerad av Osprey Förlag the «British Battlecruisers 1939–45 – NEW VANGUARD 88» .

When war broke out in 1939, only three true battlecruisers remained in the Royal Navy including HMS ‘Hood’, the world’s largest and fastest capital ship for much of her life, which would be destroyed in action against the German battleship ‘Bismarck’. Out of the remaining two battlecruisers (‘Repulse’ and ‘Renown’) one was sunk by Japanese aircraft off Singapore, whilst the other served with distinction until the end of the war. This book traces the pre-war development of these spectacular warships, then describes their wartime exploits, using this to demonstrate their operational and mechanical performance. It examines what life was like on these wartime battlecruisers when they sailed into action.

Källkod: Fiskgjuse

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Views : 434

BA-64B Bepansrad bil - Gå runt

BA-64 Armored Car

RollBepansrad bil

Den BA-64 was a 4×4 light armoured car, employed by the Soviet Army from 1942 into the early 1960s for reconnaissance and liaison tasks. The BA-64B was nicknamed ‘Bobik’ by its crews. The total recorded number of BA-64s produced differs even in Russian sources. The most frequently-stated figures are 9,110 (3,901 BA-64 and 5,209 BA-64B) vehicles which were built in the GAZ automobile plant, although a memorial plaque near the pictured Nizhny Novgorod car states 9,063 cars. The Red Army representatives accepted only 8,174 BA-64s, including 3,390 with radio sets; the other vehicles were transferred to NKVD units and Soviet allies.

Källkod: BA-64B Pansarbil på Wikipedia

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