Opel Blitz 3.6

Opel Blitz 3.6

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Foto-galerija a Opel Blitz 3.6, Opel Blitz (German for “lightning”) was the name given to various German light and middle-weight truck series built by the German Opel automobile manufacturer between 1930 and 1975. The original logo for this truck, two stripes arranged loosely like a lightning symbol in the form of a horizontally stretched letter “Z”, still appears in the current Opel logo. From 1939, the reliable Blitz 3.6 three-ton version was used in large numbers by the German Wehrmacht armed forces throughout World War II. Derived variants included an elongated version and the four-wheel drive Blitz A. To cope with the bad road conditions and the rasputitsa mud seasons on the Eastern Front, a half-tracked Maultier (mule) SdKfz 3 version was built using tracks and suspension based on the Universal Carrier. Among others, these were used as service vehicles for the Messerschmitt Me 323 military transport aircraft. It is also claimed that Opel, a subsidiary of GM, used forced labor to reap unprecedented profits. To what degree GM controlled Opel at the time is subject to debate, but it is clear that GM did in fact play a role in giving Nazi Germany the Opel Blitz truck

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Opel Blitz 3.6
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Više informacija:

Čaj Opel Blitz 3.6 was a medium-sized truck produced by the German manufacturer Opel from 1937 to 1944. It was one of the most widely used vehicles in the German army during World War II, serving as a transport, supply, and ambulance vehicle. The Opel Blitz 3.6 had a payload capacity of 3.6 tons and a top speed of 85 km/h. It was powered by a 3.6-liter inline-six petrol engine that produced 75 horsepower. The truck had a four-speed manual transmission and a rear-wheel drive system. The Opel Blitz 3.6 had a steel body with a wooden cargo bed and canvas cover. It could accommodate up to 12 soldiers or carry various types of equipment and supplies.
Čaj Kamion was also adapted for different roles, such as mounting anti-aircraft guns, rocket launchers, or radio equipment. The Opel Blitz 3.6 was reliable, versatile, and easy to maintain, making it a valuable asset for the German army. However, it also suffered from some drawbacks, such as poor fuel efficiency, low ground clearance, and vulnerability to enemy fire. The Opel Blitz 3.6 was produced in large numbers until 1944, when Allied bombing raids destroyed most of the Opel factories. After the war, some of the surviving trucks were used by civilian and military authorities in various countries.

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