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Album albuma 23 photos walk-around of a «MAN TGA 5t»

Foto-galerija a MAN TGA 5t, Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles GmbH, or RMMV, is a joint-venture company between the German companies MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG and Rheinmetall AG to merge their Military Division (MAN Nutzfahrzeuge) and Corporate Sector Defence (Rheinmetall). The new firm was founded on 12 January 2010. The headquarters is in Munich and the production facilities are located in Kassel, Germany, and Vienna, Austria. The approval for the merger was given by the Bundeskartellamt on 22 February.

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Više informacija:

The MAN TGA 5t is a versatile and reliable truck that can handle various transport tasks. It has a powerful engine, a spacious cab, and a robust chassis that can be fitted with different bodies and equipment. The MAN TGA 5t is designed to offer high performance, low fuel consumption, and low maintenance costs. It also features advanced safety and comfort systems that make driving easier and more enjoyable. The MAN TGA 5t is suitable for both urban and long-distance operations, as well as for special applications such as military or emergency services. Whether you need a flatbed, a box, a tipper, or a crane, the MAN TGA 5t can meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

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