Kaman K-Max

Kaman K-MAX

Zemlja Sad
Ulogu Helikopter srednjeg lifta
Prvi let 23 decembar 1991
Izgradio Nepoznato

Čaj Kaman K-MAX (oznaka kompanije K-1200) je helikopter sa međumesne rotore (sinhropter) koji je dizajnirao i proizveo američki proizvođač Kaman Aircraft.

Izvor: Kaman K-MAX na Vikipediji
Kaman K 1200 K-Max
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Lokalizacija Uknow
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Više informacija:

Čaj Kaman K-MAX is a helicopter designed for aerial cargo operations. It has a unique intermeshing rotor system that eliminates the need for a tail rotor and allows for greater lift and maneuverability. The K-MAX can carry up to 6,000 pounds (2,700 kg) of external load and has a maximum speed of 100 knots (185 km/h). The K-MAX was first flown in 1991 and entered service in 1994. It has been used for various missions such as logging, firefighting, construction, and military transport. The K-MAX is also capable of autonomous flight and has been deployed in Afghanistan to deliver supplies to remote bases.

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