US 105mm M2A2 Field Gun

US 105mm M2A2 Field Gun

FotografijaVladimir Jakubov
PronađiteMusee de l’Armee, Paris
OpisAlbum albuma 66 photos walk-around of a «US 105mm M2A2 Field Gun»

Foto-galerija a US 105mm M2A2 Field Gun, The 105 mm M2A1 (M101A1) howitzer was a howitzer developed and used by the United States. It was the standard U.S. light field howitzer in World War II and saw action in both the European and Pacific theaters. Entering production in 1941, it quickly gained a reputation for accuracy and a powerful punch. The M101A1 fired 105-millimetre (4.1 in) high explosive (HE) semi-fixed ammunition and had a range of 11,270 metres (12,330 yd), making it suitable for supporting infantry. M2A2 : modified shield

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Više informacija:

Čaj US 105mm M2A2 Field Gun was a medium artillery piece used by the United States Army during World War II. It was designed to fire a variety of ammunition types, including high-explosive, armor-piercing, smoke, and illumination rounds. The gun had a maximum range of 18,400 meters and a rate of fire of 10 rounds per minute. The gun was mounted on a split-trail carriage that allowed for a wide traverse of 60 degrees.
The gun was towed by a prime mover, such as a truck or a tractor, and required a crew of eight men to operate. The gun was widely used in both the European and Pacific theaters of war, and proved to be effective against enemy tanks, bunkers, and fortifications. The gun was also adapted for use as an anti-aircraft weapon, and as a coastal defense gun. The US 105mm M2A2 Field Gun was one of the most versatile and reliable artillery pieces of World War II.

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