Gotha GO 242/244 - ITALERI 111


Ref. 111
TipKomplet modela

Gotha GO 242/244

A model of the brand ITALERI komplet Gotha GO 242/244 – ITALERI 111.

The model kit GOTHA GO 242/244 is presented in the same box and with the original sprues of the first version released in 1974. The certified limited edition is guaranteed by an hologram on the box which includes the sequence number of each kit.

During the second World War the Gothaer Waggonfabrik A.G. Company was mainly engaged with the construction of aircrafts designed by other aircraft manufacturing companies. The GO. 242 is one of few aircrafts entirely designed and constructed by the Gothaer Waggonfabrik A.G. Company during the above period. It is a large mixed-cargo transport glider caracterized by an original double tail boom structure. The GO. 242 glider, in its two best known versions A-1 and B-1, that differed in the landing unit only, was towed off by the Junkers Ju.52/3m or by the Heinkel He. 111-Z, the latter being obtained by combining two He.111. Both model GO. 242 and model GO. 244 were used on African, Russian and European fronts as weil as in training schools.

Izvor: Gotha GO 242/244 by Italeri

Gotha GO 242/244 - ITALERI 111
Gotha GO 242/244 – ITALERI 111
Italeri 111 - Gotha GO 242/244
Gotha GO 242/244 – ITALERI 111
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