F9F-4 Panter

Grumman F9F Panther

Prvi let21 Novembar 1947

Čaj Grumman F9F Panter was the manufacturer’s first jet fighter and one of the United States Navy’s first successful carrier-based jet fighters. A single-engined, straight-winged day fighter, it was armed with four 20 mm (0.79 in) cannon and could carry a wide assortment of air-to-ground munitions. The Panther was used extensively by the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps in the Korean War. It was also the first jet aircraft used by the Blue Angels flight team, used by them from 1949 through late 1954. The aircraft was exported to Argentina and was the first jet used by the Argentine Naval Aviation. Total F9F production was 1,382. The design evolved into the swept wing Grumman F-9 Cougar.

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Više informacija:

Čaj Grumman F9F Panter was the first jet fighter used by the United States Navy and Marine Corps in the Korean War. It was designed in the late 1940s as a carrier-based fighter that could operate from the new angled-deck aircraft carriers. The Panther had a straight wing design and a single Pratt & Whitney J48 turbojet engine that gave it a top speed of 575 mph. The Panther was armed with four 20 mm cannons and could carry up to 2,000 pounds of bombs or rockets. The Panther was also the first jet aircraft to be fitted with an ejection seat.
Panter je ušao u službu 1949. Korišćen je za vazdušnu borbu, kopneni napad i izviđačke misije. Panter je postigao prvo ubistvo mlaznjaka u istoriji kada je poručnik komandant Vilijam T. Amen oborio severnokorejski MiG-15 9. Panter je takođe leteo prvom mlaznom borbenom misijom iznad Kine 21. Panter se pokazao kao pouzdan i efikasan, ali ga je ubrzo nadglasao brži i manevarniji MiG-15. Pantera je 1954.
Čaj Panter was also exported to Argentina and Uruguay, where it served until the late 1960s. A total of 1,382 Panthers were built, of which 78 were lost in combat. The Panther is considered to be one of the most successful jet fighters of its era and a milestone in naval aviation history.

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