Hawker Hart II

Hawker Hart

VlogoLahki bombnik
Prvi letjunij 1928

V Hawker Hart was a British two-seater biplane light bomber aircraft of the Royal Air Force (RAF). It was designed during the 1920s by Sydney Camm and manufactured by Hawker Aircraft. The Hart was a prominent British aircraft in the inter-war period, but was obsolete and already side-lined for newer monoplane aircraft designs by the start of the Second World War, playing only minor roles in the conflict before being retired. Several major variants of the Hart were developed, including a navalised version for the Royal Navy’s aircraft carriers. Beyond Britain, the Hart would be operated by a number of foreign nations, including Sweden, Yugoslavia, Estonia, South Africa, and Canada.

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World War II: The Definitive Visual History from Blitzkrieg to the Atom Bomb (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon World War II Map by Map (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

Več informacij:

The Hawker Hart was a British two-seater biplane light bomber aircraft that saw service with the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the inter-war period. It was designed by Sydney Camm, one of the most influential aircraft designers of the 20th century, and manufactured by Hawker Aircraft. The Hart had a metal structure, a powerful Rolls-Royce Kestrel engine, and a maximum speed of 296 km/h, making it faster than most contemporary fighters. It could carry up to 226 kg of bombs under its wings, and was armed with two Vickers machine guns in the nose and one Lewis gun in the rear cockpit.
Hart je prvič letel junija 1928 in začel obratovati leta 1930 in nadomestil starejšo leseno Fairey Fox. Bil je zelo pohvaljen zaradi svoje zmogljivosti in ravnanja ter postal standardni lahki bombnik RAF. Služil je tudi kot trener, izvidništvo, vojaško sodelovanje in pomorska letala, z več različicami, razvitimi za različne vloge. Hart je bil izvožen v več držav, vključno s Švedsko, Jugoslavijo, Estonijo, Južno Afriko in Kanado. Videl je boj v različnih konfliktih po svetu, kot so abesinska vojna, španska državljanska vojna in druga kitajsko-japonska vojna.
Hart je bil sčasoma nadomeščen z novejšimi enokrilnimi modeli, kot sta Fairey Battle in Bristol Blenheim, vendar je ostal v uporabi do leta 1943. Bilo je eno najuspešnejših britanskih letal svojega obdobja in je vplivalo na razvoj številnih drugih Hawkerjevih letal, kot so Fury, Hind, Demon, Hector in Hurricane.

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