IJA タイプ1ファイターII 中島木-43-II 万九口 - ファインモールド FB9SP



日本陸軍 1式戦闘機 II 中島 キ-43-II 満州尾

参考 FB9SP

ブランドのモデル ファインモールド キット IJA Type 1 Fighter II NAKAJIMA Ki-43-II MANCHOUKUO – Fine Molds FB9

Fighter of Japan’s Greater East Asia War of the Navy, along with Zero Fighter is the peregrine falcon. Armed with highly practical performance and supple movement, was fighting as a mainstay of the Japanese Army fighter throughout the entire period of the Greater East Asia War. Type two is the type for which it was leading in the mid-war, the aircraft will be used Manchukuo was founded at that time and (the northeastern part of China now), the Air Force Thailand allies, and even that was requisitioned by the military Chinese Communist Party even after the Japanese surrender has been used in the Chinese civil war is. ※ “Pt.2 Manchuria Army Air Corps two peregrine falcon type FB9SP” because of the limited edition was filled with special specification marking, as soon as stock is gone, will be discontinued. In addition, since the specification included only special marking, aircraft of the package can not be reproduced illustrations. Please acknowledge it beforehand.

IJA タイプ1ファイターII 中島木-43-II 万九口 - ファインモールド FB9SP
IJA タイプ 1 ファイター II 中島木-43-II マンチョウクオ – ファインモールド FB9SP


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