Boeing F4B-4

Boeing F4B-4

SzerepetÜldöző repülőgép
Első repülés1928. június 25.

Képgaléria egy Boeing F4B-4, The Boeing P-12/F4B was an American pursuit aircraft that was operated by the United States Army Air Corps and United States Navy.

Forrás: Boeing F4B-4 a Wiki-n

Boeing F4B-4
FotósGrant Moulton
Várj, keres Boeing F4B-4 fotók az Ön számára ...

Kapcsolódó készletek:

Boeing F4B-3 Walk Around
FotósVlagyimir Jakubov
LokalizációNyugati Repülési Múzeum, Torrance

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II. világháború: A végleges vizuális történelem a villámháborútól az atombombáig (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon A második világháború térképe térképről térképre (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

További információ:

A Boeing F4B-4 was a biplane fighter aircraft that served in the United States Navy from 1932 to 1937. It was the fourth and final variant of the F4B series, which was also known as the P-12 in the United States Army Air Corps. The F4B-4 had a larger vertical fin than the previous versions, to improve directional stability. It also had a semi-monocoque fuselage, a Townend ring cowling around the Pratt & Whitney Wasp radial engine, and Frise ailerons for better roll control. The F4B-4 was armed with two .30 caliber machine guns and could carry a 500-pound bomb under the fuselage.
A F4B-4 was the most numerous variant of the series, with 187 built. It was the last wooden-winged, biplane fighter produced by Boeing and used by the U.S. military. The F4B-4 was a popular and agile fighter that saw action in various theaters, including China, Hawaii, and Panama.

Nézetek : 4368

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