FV430 | |
Riik | Uk |
Tüüp | Soomusmasinad |
2007 FV430 series covers a number of armoured fighting vehicles of the British Army, all built on the same chassis. The most common is the FV432 armoured personnel carrier. Although the FV430 series has been in service since the 1960s, and some of the designs have been replaced in whole or part by other vehicles, such as those of the CVR(T) range or the Warrior, many have been retained and are receiving upgrades to the engine and control gear.
Allikas: FV430 Wikis
FV430-FV434 ARV Walk Around | |
Fotograafid | Teadmata |
Lokaliseerimine | Teadmata |
Fotod | 20 |
2007 FV434 on Briti armee soomustatud lahingumasinate sarja FV430 soomustatud remondisõiduki variant. See võeti kasutusele 1960. aastatel peamiselt vahendina Chieftain MBT võimsuspakettide kiireks muutmiseks selles valdkonnas ning seda haldavad kuninglikud elektri- ja mehaanikainsenerid (REME). Seda kasutab endiselt REME.