Rekuperační vozidlo tanku M74

Rekuperační vozidlo tanku M74

TypVozidlo pro regeneraci nádrže

Album 64 fotografie návodu k rekuperační vozidlu "M74 Tank Recovery Vehicle"

Photo gallery of a M74 Tank Recovery Vehicle, The Rekuperační vozidlo tanku M74 (M-74) bylo strojní vozidlo používané americkou armádou v 50. letech 20. Byl navržen tak, aby se vyrovnal s těžšími závažími M26 Pershing a M47 Patton. Mohl by být také vhodný pro lehké podivíny, protože měl hydraulický rýč namontovaný vpředu. Od roku 1954 byl vyroben v tisících společností Bowen-McLaughlin-York a od roku 1954 byl také převeden z M4A3 Shermans společností Bowen. Později byly některé převedeny z M32B1 Společností Rock Island Arsenal až do roku 1958.

Zdroj: Wikipedie

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The M74 Tank Recovery Vehicle was an engineer vehicle used by the U.S. Army in the 1950s. It was designed to cope with the heavier weights of the M26 Pershing and M47 Patton tanks, which were entering service at that time. The M74 was based on the chassis of the M4A3 Sherman tank, and had a hydraulic winch, a front-mounted spade, and an A-frame for lifting and towing operations.
The M74 also had a .50 caliber machine gun and a .30 caliber machine gun for self-defense. The M74 was produced by Bowen-McLaughlin-York from 1953 to 1958, by converting over 1000 Sherman tanks into recovery vehicles. Some M74s were also converted from M32B1 Armored Recovery Vehicles by Rock Island Arsenal. The M74 was used by the U.S. Army in post-World War II Germany, and also by other countries such as Belgium, Israel, Spain, and Portugal. The M74 was replaced by the M88 Recovery Vehicle in the 1960s.

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