Сигнал за ескадрила - SS5717

Сигнал за ескадрила

СерияАмор разходка около
ТемаМ7 Свещеник
ПериодВтората световна война

Une документиране Сигнал за ескадрила le livre «M7 Priest Walk Around – Squadron Signal SS5717» .

The US 7000000 self-propelled 105mm Howitzer, known as the свещеник, was originally developed on the basis of an M3 medium tank chassis. Nicknamed the свещеник be cause of its pulpit-like anti-aircraft ring, the vehicle was intended to provide armored units with organic, highly-mobiile artillery support. Production began in April 1942 and it first went into combat with British at the Second Battle of El-Alamein in the autumn of that year, with US forces first taking the American – built vehicle into engagements in Tunisia somewhat later. M4 Sherman tank parts were incorporated into later Priests, in place of the earlier M3 tank components, and later models – those built during 1944 and after – also featured fold-down armor along the sides and rear of the lighting compartment. Packed with more than 230 photographs, plus color profiles and detailed line drawings. Doyle; 80 pages.

Източник: Сигнал за ескадрила

Сигнал за ескадрила - SS5717
M7 свещеник разходка около – сигнал SS5717 ескадрила

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