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New Vanguard 106

IllustratorJim Laurier

Une документиране Орел рибар Публикуване le livre «V-1 Flying Bomb 1942–52 – NEW VANGUARD 106» .

The first deployment of the V-1 was in June 1944 when, following two years of tests, Hitler gave the order to attack England. Known to the Allies as the Buzz Bomb or Doodlebug, the V-1 was the world’s first cruise missile. This book explores the V-1 in detail, from its initial concept, first use in 1944, the various Allied counter-measures, and the later use of the V-1 during the Battle of the Bulge. The major foreign derivatives, including the US copy JB-2 Loon and numerous post-war Soviet variants, are also covered.

Източник: Osprey Publishing

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V-1 Летяща бомба 1942–52 – НОВ АВАНГАРД 106
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