Кръстоносец и завет крайцер танкове 1939-45 - NEW VANGUARD 14

Орел рибар Публикуване

СерияНов Vanguard
АвторДейвид Флетчър

Подписана книга Орел рибар Публикуване the magazine «Crusader and Covenanter Cruiser Tanks 1939–45 – NEW VANGUARD 14» .

1. Covenanter (which never saw active service) and Кръстоносец Cruiser tanks were developed between 1939 and 1940. The Кръстоносец first saw action in the North African desert in June 1941: its speed and sleek design made it a hard target to hit, and the tank was well-respected by the Afrikakorps for its velocity in combat. But its hurried development prior to World War II also made it prone to mechanical failure. This book examines the Covenanter and the many variants of the Crusader tank, detailing the designs, developments and disappointments of these infamous World War II tanks.

Източник: Crusader and Covenanter Cruiser Tanks sur Osprey

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Кръстоносец и завет крайцер танкове 1939-45 - NEW VANGUARD 14
Кръстоносец и заветен крайцер танкове 1939-45 – NEW VANGUARD 14
Wait, Searching Crusader and Covenanter Cruiser Tanks for you…

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