BMP пехота бойно превозно средство 1967–94 - NEW VANGUARD 12

Орел рибар Публикуване

СерияНов Vanguard
АвторСтивън Дзалога
ИлюстраторПитър Сарсън

Книга, подписана от Орел рибар Публикуване the «BMP Infantry Fighting Vehicle 1967–94 – NEW VANGUARD 12» .

The Russian BMP infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) was one of the most significant innovations in infantry tactics in the latter half of the 20th century. Built in response to the threat of nuclear warfare, it was the world’s first IFV, providing the infantry squad with unprecedented firepower, mobility and protection. With over 55,000 manufactured since 1966, the BMP is also numerically one of the most important armoured vehicles ever built. This richly illustrated book examines the development and design of the BMP, detailing its armaments, performance in combat and variants.

Източник: Орел рибар

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BMP пехота бойно превозно средство 1967–94 - NEW VANGUARD 12
BMP пехота бойно превозно средство 1967–94 – NEW VANGUARD 12
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