QF-100D Super Sabre

QF-100D Super Sabre


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Photo gallery of a QF-100D Super Sabre, The Pohjois-Amerikan F-100 Super Sabre oli yhdysvaltalainen yliääninen suihkuhävittäjä, joka palveli Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimissa (USAF) vuosina 1954–1971 ja Air National Guardissa (ANG) vuoteen 1979 asti. Ensimmäinen USAF-suihkuhävittäjien Century-sarjasta, se oli ensimmäinen USAF-hävittäjä, joka kykeni yliääninopeuteen tasolennossa. Pohjois-Amerikan ilmailu suunnitteli F-100:n alun perin tehokkaammaksi jatkoksi F-86 Sabre -ilmaylivoimahävittäjälle.

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The QF-100D Super Sabre was a variant of the F-100D Super Sabre fighter-bomber that was converted into a full-scale aerial target for the US Air Force. The QF-100D was equipped with a remote control system that allowed it to be flown by a ground operator or a chase aircraft. The QF-100D also had a self-destruct system that could be activated in case of loss of control or imminent collision. The QF-100D was used for testing and training purposes from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, mainly as a target for air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles. The QF-100D was capable of supersonic speeds and high-altitude maneuvers, making it a challenging and realistic target for the missile systems. The QF-100D was retired from service in 1994, after more than 200 of them were expended as targets.

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