Сд. Кфз 231 - Роден 702


Ref 702
ТипМодел на мащаба

Sd. Kfz 231

A kit from the brand Roden the kit : Sd. Kfz 231 – Роден 702.

The Bussing NAG factory developed its own design, which received the name ARW (Achtradwagen = eight-wheeled car). The new car had some interesting features, like eight independently sprung wheels with both steering systems affecting all eight wheels. It could be driven in both directions because it had two driver positions, in the front and in the back. The armored superstructure was attached to the frame of the chassis. The armored body was 14.5mm thick in front and 8mm elsewhere. The first mass-produced machines of this type received the official designation Sd.Kfz.231 and reached units of the Panzer reconnaissance troops in late 1937, and one year later they took part in the annexation of Czechoslovakia.

Източник: Роден

Сд. Кфз 231 - Роден 702
Sd. Kfz 231 – Роден 702
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