Sikorsky SH-3G havskung

Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King

RollAnti-submarine warfare, search and rescue and utility helicopter
Första flygningen11 March 1959

Den Sikorsky SH-3 Havskung (company designation S-61) is an American twin-engined anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopter designed and built by Sikorsky Aircraft. A landmark design, it was the world’s first amphibious helicopter and one of the first ASW rotorcraft to use turboshaft engines.

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Sikorsky SH-3G Sea King Gå runt
FotografVladimir Yakubov
LokaliseringUSS Yorktown CV-10, Patriots pekar
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Den Sikorsky SH-3 Havskung is a twin-engine anti-submarine warfare helicopter that was developed by Sikorsky Aircraft in the late 1950s. It was the first amphibious helicopter in the world and the first to feature a turboshaft engine. The Sea King has a distinctive hull-shaped fuselage that allows it to land on water and a five-blade main rotor that provides high lift and low noise.
Den Sea King can carry up to four torpedoes or depth charges for attacking submarines, or a variety of other weapons and equipment for different missions. The Sea King has been used by many countries around the world for naval, military and civilian purposes. It has also served as the official helicopter of the President of the United States since 1976, under the call sign Marine One.

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