Cromwell Cruiser Tank 1942-50 - David Fletcher

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David Fletcher


Cromwell Cruiser Tank 1942-50

Povezani48 pages

Book description : For most of World War II, British tank development remained faithful to the design philosophy inaugurated during World War I. Experiences in North Africa highlighted flaws in this basic design, however, and the General Staff identified the need for a new heavy cruiser that could combine speed and manoeuvrability with increased armour and armament. The Cromwell Cruiser tank was designed as a result and soon proved itself one of the fastest and most successful tanks deployed by the Allies during World War II. This book details the design and development of the Cromwell and its many variants, from its introduction at D-Day, through its many successes in the final year of World War II and beyond.

Komentarji založnika: Brez premca je prikazano sklicevanje na bojna vozila, prevoz in topništvo skozi leta. Vsak letnik je prikazan skozi vse, zaradi česar so te knjige edinstveno dostopne navdušenci zgodovine vseh starosti.

Cromwell Cruiser Tank 1942-50 - David Fletcher
Cromwell Cruiser Tank 1942-50 – David Fletcher
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