너도밤나무 C23 선다우너

Beechcraft Musketeer

역할경비행기 및 훈련기

Tthe 비치크래프트 머스킷티어 is a family of single-engined, low-wing, light aircraft that was produced by Beechcraft. The line includes the Model 19 Musketeer Sport, the Model 23 Musketeer, Custom and Sundowner, the Model 23-24 Musketeer Super III the retractable gear Model 24R Sierra and the military CT-134 Musketeer.

소스: Beechcraft Musketeer의 Wikipedia 계정
Beech C23 Sundowner Walk Around
PhotographerVladimir Yakubov
LocalisationPacific Coast Dream Machines 2012
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관련 키트:

The Beechcraft Musketeer is a family of four-seat, single-engine, high-wing light airplanes produced by Beechcraft from 1968 to 1983. It was known for its comfortable cabin, ease of handling, and good performance for a trainer aircraft.

There were several variants of the Musketeer produced over its production run, with different engine options and features. Some of the most common variants include:

  • 비치크래프트 B23 머스킷티어: The original model, powered by a 160-horsepower Lycoming engine.
  • 비치크래프트 A23 머스킷티어 슈퍼 III: An improved version of the B23 with a more powerful 180-horsepower engine.
  • 비치크래프트 M20C 무니: A later variant with retractable landing gear and a more powerful engine, offering higher performance.

The Musketeer was a popular choice for flight training schools and private owners alike. It remains a popular used aircraft today, known for its durability and relatively low operating costs.

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