第二次世界大戦のドイツ軍車両 - ジャン=ドニG.G.レパージュ

McFarland & Company

件名German Military Vehicles of World War II
リリエ220 pages

An Illustrated Guide to Cars, Trucks, Half-Tracks, Motorcycles, Amphibious Vehicles.

Book Description:

While World War I introduced the world to modern warfare, it was World War II that saw the onset and use of motorized vehicles in combat. This volume presents a cross-section of the most common transport vehicles produced and used by the German army. Tanks plus auxiliary vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, vans, ambulances, trucks and tractors made it possible for the troops to keep moving. These lightly armored or unarmored vehicles–aka “soft skins”–operated behind the front lines, maintaining supply lines, connecting armies with their home bases, and ultimately determining the outcome of battle. Beginning with the development of military vehicles in the early 1930s, this volume discusses the ways in which this new technology influenced and, to some extent, facilitated Hitler’s program of rearmament. Nomenclature, standard equipment, camouflage and the combat roles of the various vehicles are thoroughly examined. Individual vehicle types are arranged and discussed by the following classifications: cars and motorcycles; trucks and tractors; half-tracks and wheeled combat vehicles. Accompanied by well-researched, detailed line drawings, each section deals with a number of individual vehicles, describing their design, manufacture and specific use.

第二次世界大戦のドイツ軍車両 - ジャン=ドニG.G.レパージュ
第二次世界大戦のドイツ軍車両 - ジャン=ドニG.G.レパージュ
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第二次世界大戦:電撃戦から原子爆弾までの決定的なビジュアルヒストリー(DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon (アマゾン) 地図による第二次世界大戦の地図(地図によるDKの歴史地図) - Amazon (アマゾン)


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