JMSDF Sawayuki

JDS Sawayuki

Classe e tipoClasse Hatsuyuki cacciatorpediniere
Lanciato21 giu 1982
Disattivatoaprile 2013

JDS Sawayuki (DD-125) is a Hatsuyuki-class destroyer of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). The ship was built by IHI Maritime in Tokyo and commissioned into service on 15 Feb 1984.

fonte: JDS Sawayuki su Wikipedia
JMSDF Sawayuki (DD-125) Walk Around
PhotographerVladimir Yakubov
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JDS Sawayuki was a destroyer of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF), commissioned in 1985 and decommissioned in 2019. She was the sixth ship of the Hatsuyuki-class destroyers, designed to perform anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare missions. She participated in several international exercises and operations, such as the Persian Gulf War in 1991, the Indian Ocean tsunami relief in 2004, and the anti-piracy mission off Somalia in 2009. She also conducted goodwill visits to various countries, such as Australia, China, India, and the United States. She was named after a type of snowflake that falls in early winter.

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