SérieNouvelle avant-garde
AuteurBryan Perrett
IllustrationurTerry Hadler

Un livre signé Éditions Osprey le livre «German Light Panzers 1932–42 – NEW VANGUARD 26» .

The light tanks of the Panzerwaffe make a fascinating subject for technical and historical study. Operation Barbarossa was the light tanksswan song: thoroughly experienced and at the peak of self-confidence, the Panzergruppen brought Moscow to almost within Hitlers grasp. However, the effectiveness and popularity of the light panzers was only proven because Hitlers Panzerwaffe (despite their technical excellence) was poorly equipped. The critically short supply of the Panzerkampfwagen III and IV placed an ever-increasing onus on the light tanks that filled out the Panzerwaffes ranks during the glory years. In this book, Bryan Perrett examines the evolution of the PzKpfw I and II.

Source: Éditions Osprey

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