BA-20 | |
Riik | Nõukogude Liit |
Tüüp | Soomusauto |
Kasutuses | 1936-1945 |
Ehitatud | 2066 |
2007 BA-20 (vene keeles Broneavtomobil 20) oli Nõukogude Liidus 1934. aastal välja töötatud soomusauto. See pidi asendama FAI ja selle välikatsed viidi lõpule 1935. aastal. Seejärel kasutati BA-20 Teise maailmasõja varases staadiumis.
Allikas: BA-20 Vikipeedias
Broneavtomobil BA-20M Walk Around | |
Fotograaf | Teadmata |
Lokaliseerimine | Teadmata |
Fotod | 43 |
Seotud komplektid:
2007 BA-20 (Broneavtomobil 20) was a Soviet armored car that was developed in 1934 and produced from 1935. It was mainly used for reconnaissance and communication purposes by the Red Army. The vehicle was based on the GAZ-M1 car chassis and had a 7.62 mm machine gun as its main armament. The BA-20 had a top speed of 85 km/h and an operational range of 450 km. It participated in several conflicts, such as the Spanish Civil War, the Soviet invasion of Poland, and the early stages of World War II.
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