Living Warbirds

Elavad sõjalinnud: Teise maailmasõja võitlejad

StudioMutrivõti teose meelelahutuses
FormaatAnamorfne, värviline, Dolby, DVD, NTSC, laiekraan

Teine maailmasõda


Toote kirjeldus: Featuring four original fighter pilot training films from World War II and new video of beautifully restored warbirds in flight! Lockheed P-38 Flight Characteristics – Featuring excellent color flying footage, Lockheed Chief Engineer and Test Pilot Milo Burcham takes this interceptor/high altitude attack airplane through routine takeoffs and landings, maximum performance in combat, engine failure procedures, and emergency landings.

Grumman F6F Hellcat Flight Characteristics – The F6F Hellcat was designed to take back the skies over the Pacific from the Japanese Zero, and this film teaches pilots everything they need to know about flying this aiplane. Recognition of the Japanese Zero Fighter – With the motto Know it before you can destroy it! , this military training film covers the characteristics, capabilities, weaknesses, and recognition of the World War II Japanese fighter aircraft, Mitsubishi A6M Rei Shiki Kanjo Sento Ki, known as the Zero.

Living Warbirds

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