Сигнал на ескадрила - SS5705

Сигнал за ескадрила

СерияАмор разходка около
ТемаM42 Duster

Подписана книга Сигнал за ескадрила the magazine «M42 Duster Color Walk Around – Squadron Signal SS5705» .

The US Army began accepting deliveries of the M42 in October 1952, when production ended in 1959, approximately 3,700 units delivered. By the late ’60s, the Duster’s limits seemed to have been reached. The lack of radar tracking system meant the M42 was a ‘fair weather’ shooter against low, slow targets; it just could not keep pace with the new generation of Soviet jet aircraft. As American involvement in Vietnam increased, 3 battalions of Dusters were sent to South Vietnam – initially for anti-aircraft duties, but with clear skies over the South, the M42 was usefully employed as convoy escort, perimeter and base security, and direct fire support. This book takes a detailed look at the M42 Duster with more than 200 photographs, color profiles and detailed line drawings; Doyle. 80 pages.

Източник: Сигнал за ескадрила

Сигнал на ескадрила - SS5705
M42 Duster Color Разходка наоколо - ескадрилен сигнал SS5705
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