VBLM Puma 6Х6

VBLM Puma 6×6

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1. Пума is a family of Italian light wheeled armoured fighting vehicle family, consisting of the Puma 6×6 and the Puma 4×4. The vehicles were developed and are produced by the Consorzio Iveco Fiat – Oto Melara for the Italian Army. First prototypes completed in 1988, with a total of five testbed vehicles being completed by 1990.

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Основни характеристики

  • 6×6 Configuration: Provides excellent off-road mobility and stability.
  • Modular Design: Can be easily adapted for various roles, including troop transport, reconnaissance, command and control, and weapon platforms.
  • Protection: Offers protection against small arms fire and shell fragments.
  • Armament: Typically armed with a 12.7mm machine gun, but can be equipped with other weapons like anti-tank missiles.
  • High Mobility: Powered by a powerful diesel engine, allowing for high speeds on and off-road.


The VBLM Puma 6×6 serves as a versatile platform for the Italian Army, providing support in various missions including:

  • Разузнаване
  • Troop Transport
  • Command and Control
  • Fire Support

The Puma 6×6 is considered a modern and effective light armored vehicle, well-suited for a wide range of military operations.

Начини на показване : 32

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