MT-55 Bridgelayer

MT-55 Bridgelayer

ТипМост, изстрелян от бронирана машина
НамеритеМузей "Сталинска линия", Заславл, Беларус
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Фото галерия на MT-55 Bridgelayer, The MT-55A (Slovak: Mostný tank) is an armoured vehicle-launched bridge (AVLB) tank, manufactured by ZTS Martin in Slovakia. The AVLB is based on a T-55A medium tank chassis, with the turret detached and replaced by a special bridge launching equipment. The MT-55A was produced for the armies of the Warsaw Pact (including the Soviet Army), as well as for export clients.

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ТипМост, изстрелян от бронирана машина
Тегло36.0 тона
Дължина9,88m (с педя)
Ширина3,30м (с размах)
Височина3,35m (с педя)
Екипажа2 (командир, шофьор)

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Повече информация:

1. MT-55 Bridgelayer is a military engineering vehicle designed to assist in the crossing of obstacles such as rivers or gaps. It is based on the chassis of the T-55 main battle tank and carries a scissors-type bridge that can be deployed in less than three minutes. The bridge has a span of 18 meters and can support vehicles weighing up to 50 tons.
1. MT-55 Bridgelayer was developed by Czechoslovakia in the 1960s and has been exported to several countries, including India, Iraq, Libya, Poland and Syria. The MT-55 Bridgelayer is still in service with some armies, although it has been replaced by more modern vehicles in others.

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