Nemški vojaški tovornjak V3000S – ICM 35411



Nemški vojaški tovornjak V3000S

Komplet znamke Icm : the “V3000S (1941production), German Army Truck“.


Modern warfare requires tons of supplies to be brought to front-line units. Without mechanized transport for supplies, military endeavors will quickly deteriorate. No army knew this better than the Nazi Heer during WWII. They decided to standardize all of their trucks to make finding replacement parts easier. The V3000S 3-ton truck was the design they chose. From bullets to bratwursts, these trucks transported everything the Heer used. This kit features detailed engine parts and surface features plus, authentic decals for four German vehicles.

Nemški vojaški tovornjak V3000S – ICM 35411
Nemški vojaški tovornjak V3000S – ICM 35411
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